52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 1-2
$31.99 CAD
The 52 nonfiction stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of Canadian symbols, animals, birds, seasons, the month of the year, special celebrations, famous places, and famous people. Each topic contains an information story...
52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 4-5
$31.99 CAD
The 52 nonfiction stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of Canada. A year of nonfiction reading in one book! One story a week for bell work, review, indoor recess, enrichment or for the students who...
52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 5-6
$31.99 CAD
The 52 nonfiction stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of Canada. A year of nonfiction reading in one book! One story a week for bell work, review, indoor recess, enrichment or for the students who...
52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 6-7
$31.99 CAD
The 52 non-fiction stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of the various Canadian topics while reviewing and strengthening various reading, language, and word study skills. Each topic contains an information story and a follow-up...
Book Reports Grades 5-6 Aligned to Common Core
$19.99 CAD
Book reports allow the young reader to share their thoughts about the stories they have heard or have read themselves. As well, students need the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the materials. Each section begins with a Teacher's Notes...
Canadian Comprehension Grades 1-2
$22.99 CAD
Canadian Comprehension, grades 1-2 is packed with ready-to-use information and worksheets that cover both social studies and language arts curriculum. There are 8 sections with 2 reading activities (fiction and non-fiction) and 1 writing activity per grade in each. Each...
Canadian Comprehension Grades 3-4
$22.99 CAD
Canadian Comprehension, grades 3-4 is packed with ready-to-use information and worksheets that cover both social studies and language arts curriculum. There are 7 sections with 2 reading activities (fiction and non-fiction) and 1 writing activity per grade. Each chapter has...
Canadian Comprehension Grades 5-6
$22.99 CAD
Canadian Comprehension, grades 5-6 is packed with ready-to-use information and worksheets that cover both social studies and language arts curriculum. There are 7 sections with 2 reading activities (fiction and non-fiction) and 1 writing activity per grade in each. Each...
Canadian Heroes Grades 5-8 - everyday heroes in times of disaster, medicine, science, sports and more!
$25.99 CAD
The purpose of this book is to introduce these unique Canadians to students inthe classroom. These life stories of Canadians-young and old, male and female, from all across the country will provide your students with solid role models. Heroes in...
Developing Literacy Skills Using 17 Nursery Rhymes Grades 1-3 - Common Core
$22.99 CAD
Aligned to Common Core Standards. A Common Core Standards chart is located on page 2, identifying standards covered. The page numbers are noted for easy access. Develop reading comprehension and expressive speaking skills during the reading and reciting of enjoyable...
Famous Canadian Female Actors Non Fiction Reading Grades 4-8
$17.99 CAD
20 biographies, accompanied by a picture, featured in this high-interest book with your students. Each biography is followed by hands-on activities designed to strengthen and improve reading comprehension, vocabulary development, language and research skills. Each story spotlights some of Canada's...
Famous Canadian Female Athletes Non Fiction Reading Grades 4-8
$17.99 CAD
20 biographies, accompanied by a picture, featured in this high-interest book with your students. Each biography is followed by hands-on activities designed to strengthen and improve reading comprehension, vocabulary development, language and research skills. Each story spotlights some of Canada's...
Famous Canadian Female Musicians Non Fiction Reading Grades 4-8
$17.99 CAD
20 biographies, accompanied by a picture, featured in this high-interest book with your students. Each biography is followed by hands-on activities designed to strengthen and improve reading comprehension, vocabulary development, language and research skills. Each story spotlights some of Canada's...
Famous Canadian Male Actors Non Fiction Reading Grades 4-8
$17.99 CAD
20 biographies, accompanied by a picture, featured in this high-interest book with your students. Each biography is followed by hands-on activities designed to strengthen and improve reading comprehension, vocabulary development, language and research skills. Each story spotlights some of Canada's...
Famous Canadian Male Athletes Non Fiction Reading Grades 4-8
$17.99 CAD
20 biographies, accompanied by a picture, featured in this high-interest book with your students. Each biography is followed by hands-on activities designed to strengthen and improve reading comprehension, vocabulary development, language and research skills. Each story spotlights some of Canada's...