Aprendamos A Leer Y Escribir! Primer A Tereer Grado Grades 1-3 - A Spanish Workbook
$32.99 CAD
Over 150 worksheets to practice, review, and reinforce skills in reading and writing for Spanish students. The activities are in Spanish only and cover the following topics: phonics, reading for meaning, capitalization & punctuation, sentence writing, and story-writing activities. This...
Empezando A Escribir Seire De Redaccion Creativa Spanish Story Starters Grades 1-3
$18.99 CAD
Por qué utilizar este recurso ¡Felicitaciones por la compra de esta excelente fuente de aprendizaje para su salón de clases! Esta colección que consta de 58 ilustraciones atractivas y detalladas servirá como inspiración para la redacción creativa del alumno. En...
Empezando A Escribir Seire de Redaccion Creativa Spanish Story Starters Grades 4-6
$18.99 CAD
Por qué utilizar este recurso ¡Felicitaciones por la compra de esta excelente fuente de aprendizaje para su salón de clases! Esta colección que cons- ta de 58 ilustraciones atractivas y detalladas servirá como inspiración para la redacción creativa del alumno....
Adición/Addition - A Spanish and English Workbook Grades 1-3
$18.99 CAD
Bilingual Skill Building Series in Spanish & English Adición/Addition Adición/Addition is an effective resource for teaching or reviewing addition concepts and operations. The worksheets focus on the following skills: comparison of addition facts using the symbols for greater than, less than, equal...
Composicion de Historias/Story Writing Gr. 1-3 A Spanish and English Workbook
$18.99 CAD
Composición de Historias/Story Writing is an effective resource for teaching or reviewing story writing skills. The activities in this book provide practice in the following concepts: identifying the main idea, identifying a topic sentence, identifying and writing supporting details, sequencing...
Composicion de Oraciones/Sentence Writing - A Spanish and English Workbook Gr. 1-3
$18.99 CAD
Composición de Oraciones/Sentence Writing: is an effective resource for teaching proper sentence structure. The activities in this book help students recognize the structure of the four types of sentences: assertive (telling), interrogative (question), exclamatory, and imperative {command); the activities also...
Fonética / Phonics - A Spanish and English Workbook Grades 1-3
$18.99 CAD
This phonics workbook is an effective resource for teaching or reviewing a wide variety of phonetic concepts. The high interest worksheets in this book provide practice in the following skills: recognizing initial consonants, hard and soft c and g, long and...
Leer para Entender/Reading for Meaning - A Spanish and English Workbook Grades 1-3
$18.99 CAD
Leer para Entender/Reading for Meaning is an effective resource for teaching or reviewing reading skills. The activities in this book provide practice in the following reading skills: finding the main idea, seeing relationships, drawing conclusions, making inferences, using context clue , noting...
Numeracion/Numeration - A Spanish and English Workbook Grades 1-3
$18.99 CAD
Students will learn and review numeral concepts and their sequential order. The activities in this book will help students with these skills: recognition of numeral concepts, numerals, sequential ordering, counting patterns, numeral words, ordinals, odd and even numbers, greater than...
Solo Los Hechos! Just the Facts! Grades 1-3 Non Fiction Reading Comprehension in Spanish and English
$24.99 CAD
Most of the reading that we do in real life is non-fiction although most classroom programs focus mainly on reading fiction materials. Correct this imbalance and incorporate the 13 non-fiction stories in both Spanish and English found in this resource...

Solo Para Ninos / Just for Boys Reading Comprehension Spanish and English Grades 1-3
$24.99 CAD
Motivate the Boys to Read! What boy can resist topics such as robots, dinosaurs, fast cars, rockets, stuntmen, and karate? This outstanding collection of original short stories is sure to capture and hold the interest of all your young male...
Spanish/English 8 Workbook Bundle!
$174.95 CAD
Language Arts & Math Skills in Spanish & English. Here is a ready-to-use addition, subtraction and numeration practice series, in English, for Spanish Immersion. ESL, SSL and ELL students. Here is a ready-to-use reading and writing practice series, in English,...
Spanish/English Grades 1-3 Math Workbook Bundle
$69.95 CAD
Build Their Math Skills in Spanish & English with this three-book set. Here is a ready-to-use addition, subtraction, and numeration practice series, in English, for Spanish Immersion. ESL, SSL, and ELL students. Parents and teachers can use these books to...
Spanish/English Language Arts 5 Workbook Bundle!
$114.95 CAD
Billingual Skill Building Series - Grades 1-3 Here is a ready-to-use reading and writing practice series, in English, for Spanish Immersion. ESL, SSL and ELL students. Parents and teachers can use these books to teach, review and reinforce basic language...
Sustracción/Subtraction - A Spanish and English Workbook Grades 1-3
$18.99 CAD
Sustracción/Subtraction is an effective resource for teaching or reviewing subtraction concepts and operations. The worksheets focus on these skills: recognition of subtraction facts from 0 to 18 and their concepts; comparison of subtraction facts using the symbols for greater than,...
Uso de las Mayúsculas y Reglas de Puntuación/Capitalization & Punctuation - A Spanish and English Workbook Grades 1-3
$18.99 CAD
Uso de las Mayúsculas y Reglas de Puntuación/Capitalization and Punctuation is an effective resource for teaching or reviewing the usage of capital letters and punctuation marks while writing. The capitalization activities reinforce the recognition of why, where and when capital...