L'addition/Addition A French and English Workbook Grades 1-3
$21.99 CAD
Additional information:
- Author : Solski, Ruth
L'addition/Addition is an effective resource for teaching or reviewing addition concepts and operations. The worksheets focus on the following skills: comparison of addition facts using the symbols for greater than, less than, equal to, not equal to; place value; single column addition, and two and three-digit column addition with or without regrouping. A French and English Workbook.
Voici une série de cahiers d'exercices prêts à utiliser, en français et en anglais, pour les élèves d'immersion française, d'ALS, de FLS et d'ALM.
Enseignez-leur, révisez avec eux ou aidez-les à perfectionner leurs connaissances langagières et mathématiques de base dans les deux langues ou dans une seule d'entre elles.
Le contenu français et le contenu anglais correspondant sont présentés dans des pages adjacentes des cahiers, ce qui en facilite l'utilisation.
Here is a ready-to-use bilingual series for busy educators and parents. The series' easy-to-use format provides French content on the right-facing page, and the corresponding English content on the left-facing page. Comprised of curriculum-based material for both first and second language learners.
Wherever possible, the activities in this series have been directly translated from one language to the other. This "direct translation" approach has been used with all activities featuring core skills that are the same in both French and English. For the basic skills that differ between French and English, an "adaptation" approach has been used. In the adapted activities, the French content may be very different from the English content on the corresponding page - yet both worksheets present concepts and skills that are central to each language. By using a combination of both direct translations and adaptations of the activities, this bilingual series provides worksheets that will help children develop a solid understanding of the basic concepts in both French and English.