Ancient Rome Grades 4-6


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  • Author : Solski, Ruth

Discover Ancient Rome with Informative Lessons and Worksheets!

14 lessons provide discussion questions and suggested ways of planning and relating the information to your students. Activities on Roman art, architecture, people, lifestyle, food religion, government, entertainment, army, mythology, roman numerals, word study, and creative writing to give your students an in-depth study of the ancient Roman civilization while integrating history into language arts.

Students will:

  • be introduced to people and their way of life in an ancient civilization.

  • develop an ability to research, record, and report factual information.

  • examine an ancient civilization, and compare it to modern society.

  • relate the effect one civilization has on another civilization.

To The Teacher

The ideas and activities in this unit have been grouped according to different topics pertaining to Ancient Rome. The information stories may be duplicated, mounted on a sturdy backing and laminated, or used on an overhead projector. Locate illustrations that pertain to Ancient Rome and use them as covers to make several reference books for student usage. Join the pages together using cerlox binding. The stories may be used at a reading center or at a research center. Follow up activities may also be developed and used with the story information cards.

Introduction and Teacher Planning Information:

  • Expectations and Teacher Notes

  • Discussion Topics and Lesson Ideas

  • Roman Vocabulary

  • List of Roman Resources

  • Teacher Input Suggestions

  • Student Tracking Sheet

  • Teacher Evaluation Sheet

  • Answer Key


Review the “Discussion Topics and Lessons” prior to starting this curriculum. There are 14 days of lessons suggesting a way of planning and relating information to your students.

Reading Information Stories:

  • Reading Information #1: The History of Rome

  • Reading Information #2: The Roman People and Their Lifestyles

  • Reading Information #3: Roman Homes

  • Reading Information #4: Fashion in Ancient Rome

  • Reading Information #5: Roman Family Life

  • Reading Information #6: Roman Food

  • Reading Information #7: School Days in Rome

  • Reading Information #8: Roman Baths

  • Reading Information #9: Roman Roads

  • Reading Information #10: Shopping in Rome

  • Reading Information #11: Slavery in Rome

  • Reading Information #12: The Circus Maximus

  • Reading Information #13: The Gladiators and the Amphitheatre

  • Reading Information #14: The Roman Forum

  • Reading Information #15: Roman Gods, Goddesses, and Temples

  • Reading Information #16: The Roman Army

  • Reading Information #17: Roman Arts: Roman Painting, Sculpture, Drama and Literature

  • Reading Information #18: The City of Rome

  • Reading Information #19: Aqueducts in Rome

  • Reading Information #20: The Roman Government

  • Reading Information #21: The Roman Influence

Roman Art and Architecture Activities

  1. Design a poster that advertises five important Roman buildings.

  2. Research to find out famous ruins in Rome.

  3. Choose six famous buildings found in Roman times and illustrate each.

  4. Roman architecture – find pictures of current homes or buildings and indicate the roman architecture feature.

  5. Match each structure to its description by using the words below.

The Roman People Activities

  1. Research one of the famous Romans.

  2. Research and answer questions on Roman Jewelery.

  3. Research and compare Roman families to today’s families.

  4. Match the Roman clothing word below to its description.

  5. Roman homes - match the word to its meaning.

Roman Daily Life Activities

  1. Research farming methods practiced during Roman times and find out the answers to the following questions.

  2. Research to find out the various occupations performed by the Romans.

  3. Sights and sounds heard on the streets which differed from the countryside. From a list identify sounds from the streets or countryside.

  4. Research the “Roman Public Baths” to answer statements either true or false.

  5. Complete the paragraphs with the correct words, to visualize the scene.

  6. If you were a Roman slave and you wanted to purchase items for your master, which shop or craftsman would you visit?

  7. Research school life in Rome to match words and terms with their meanings.

Roman Food Activities

  1. Research to find out what Romans ate for meals.

  2. Wealthy Roman Dining – research to learn what consisted of three courses of the feast.

  3. Research to learn which foods they ate that they farmed or imported.

  4. Match the Roman words pertain to eating or food.

Roman Religion Activities

  1. Many of the planets in our Solar System bear names of Roman gods and goddesses. List the names of the planets and research them.

  2. Romans worshipped spirits. Choose and research one of the gods or goddesses.

  3. Research and complete a chart on the religious gods and goddesses.

  4. Research and answer questions on the largest temple called the “Pantheon”.

  5. Research to find the names of Roman festivals, why they were celebrated, and when.

Roman Government Activities

  1. Rome became a Republic – research it’s leaders

  2. Emperors that ruled Rome

  3. Names of leaders of countries.

Roman Entertainment Activities

  1. Research and Illustrate the Colosseum.

  2. Provide an opinion on your thoughts of the Roman inhumane “games” where people were brutally killed or maimed.

  3. Compare gladiatorial contests held in Roman times to boxing and wrestling matches held today.

  4. Compare horse racing in Roman times to horse racing today. Compete your activity on a comparison chart like the one below.

Roman Army Activities

  • 4 Activities – 2 up on a page

  1. Roman Legionaries – research and illustrate weapons and equipment that they carried.

  2. Roman Army Terms – research and find the meanings of 7 army terms.

  3. Roman Army Camps – research how they set up camps each time they moved.

  4. Romans crude weapons and their battle tactics- research the weapons and warships and illustrate them.

Reading Mythology Activities

  • Activities are 4 to a page.

  1. Examine the names of constellations in the sky.

  2. Develop a reference chart about the major gods and goddesses.

  3. Research to find information about six monsters and mythical creatures found in mythology.

  4. Research to find out how many months of the year bear names that come from mythology.

  5. Research the names of the flowers called Narcissus, Iris and Hyacinth.

  6. Research to find out the meaning and origin of four expressions that came from mythology.

  7. Research to discover the mythological origins of six mythology words.

  8. Create a newspaper story about a Greek or Roman god.

Roman Numeral Activities

  • Roman Numeral Chart

  1. Writing Roman Numerals for Numbers

  2. Adding Roman Numerals

  3. Subtracting Roman Numerals

  4. Multiplying Roman Numerals

  5. Writing the Arabic numeral for Roman Numerals

  6. Dividing Roman Numerals

Working With Roman Words Activities

  1. Latin words to their meanings

  2. Singular to plural words

  3. Compound words

  4. Adding prefixes to root words

  5. Matching words that are synonyms

  6. Matching words that are antonyms

Caesar’s Creative Writing Activities

  1. Writing an Acrostic Poem

  2. Writing a Cinquain

  3. Writing a Roman Tale

  4. Writing a Roman “How-to-Book”

  5. Roman Story Starters – 6 prompts

This book supports many of the fundamental concepts and learning outcomes from the curriculums for the province of Ontario, Gr. 5, Heritage & Citizenship, Early Civilizations.

96 pages.


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