Canadian Seasons & Special Days Story Starters Grades 1-3
$4.95 CAD
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20 story starters contain photographs to inspire student's creativity and knowledge pertaining to Canada's Seasons & Special Days.
Each story starter worksheet includes a photograph and corresponding word list, a blank line for the story's title, and numbered blank lines for the story itself. The word list includes keywords related to the photograph to help their overall impression of the image. They should read the word list before writing to stimulate their creative thinking, and you may wish to have them include the list of words in their story. The blank lines are numbered so that you may easily give students instructions on how long their creative writing piece should be.
Students may be given the Writing Checklist after a writing story. The checklist is a useful guide to help them edit and proofread their stories.
The story starters may be used as springboards for a variety of forms of creative writing. The most straightforward use is for a simple narrative or short story.