The 10 practice tests were designed to be similar to the Ontario Language test the students will be taking. The questions are either multiple choice or open response so that students can get familiar with the question/answer format.
Students struggling in any of these areas will benefit from this skill-specific practice.
The following 5 tests feature reading skills with questions that are a combination of all the reading skills.
There is no particular sequence to the tests. They can be used in whatever order you choose to fit your students' needs.
Test Titles and Topics:
TEST #1: An Unexpected Visitor
TEST #2: Bears Just Want to Have Fun!
TEST #3: What is a Mammal?
TEST #4: Main Parts of an Airplane
TEST #5: Life Cycle of a Monarch Butterfly
TEST #6: Backyard Sleepover
TEST #7: African Elephants
TEST #8: How to Take Care of a Puppy
TEST #9: Life in a Castle
TEST #10: Language Skills
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