Exploring My School & Local Community Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
Additional information:
- Author : Solski, Ruth
To explore the school environment to make the students more aware of the people who operate it and their location in the building.
This resource extends to the community they live in, the different people, the basic needs of the community, understanding that their community may be a town, city, or village. Students will use maps to locate buildings and places.
To develop an awareness of the workers in a community.
To develop an understanding of the roles of various people in the neighborhood.
Introduction Includes:
Learning Expectations
Vocabulary Lists
Teacher Information
Preliminary Preparations for the Teacher
Section One: Exploring the School Community
Provides four detailed lessons for the teacher and additional worksheets and activities.
Lesson One
To explore the school environment to make the students more aware of the people who operate it and their location in the building.
Lesson Two
To familiarize the students with the physical layout of the outside of a school.
Lesson Three
To have the students develop safe and acceptable behavioral patterns
Lesson Four
To involve the students in the making of a graph.
Activities and Worksheets
Our School Booklet Cover and Blank Page
Worksheet 1 School Helpers
Worksheet 2 School Things
Worksheet 3 School Words
Matching Activity 1 School Helper Words
Matching Activity 2 School Word Matching
* Skills: Word Recognition/Visual Discrimination
(Color and cut out the pictures and word cards. Mount them on a sturdy backing and laminate. Store the cards in an envelope. Attach the instruction card to the envelope. The student will match the word pertaining to a school article correctly.)
School Helper Reading Activity 1
* Skill: Word Recognition, Sequencing Words to Make Sentences.
School Helper Mathematics Activity 1
*Skill: Counting Objects by Ones, Recording Numerals
Section Two: My Local Community
This resource extends to the community they live in, the different people, the basic needs of the community, understanding that their community may be a town, city, or village. Students will use maps to locate buildings and places.
Lesson One
To introduce students to the aspects of community living.
Lesson Two
To make students more aware of the different structures in which people live.
Lesson Three
To familiarize students with the different types of structures found in the community, their shapes, sizes and functions.
Lesson Four
To acquaint students with places that are used for recreation and enjoyment in a community.
Lesson Five
To acquaint students with places that are used for recreation and enjoyment in a community.
Lesson Six
To make the students aware of the importance of all the possible methods of transportation used in the local community.
Activities and Worksheets
Student Booklet – My Local Community
Community Store Snip Art
Community Store Word Cards
Community Buildings Snip Art
Community Buildings Word Cards
Community Homes Snip Art
Community Homes Word Cards
Community Vehicles Snip Art
Community Vehicles Word Cards
Blank Instruction Cards
Community Helpers - Word Recall; Match the Community Helper to its name
Community Transportation- Word Recall; Match the Community Vehicles to Their Names
Community Helpers - Word Recall; Match the Community Helper to its name
Match the Tool to the Helper
Where does each community helper work?
Color the picture that doesn’t belong in each row.
What sound does each community helper begin with?
Which one is different? Circle and color it.
Can you follow the pattern!
Help the community helper get to his vehicle
Mailing a Letter - Cut out the pictures. Paste them in the correct order.
Fire! Fire! House on Fire! - Cut out the pictures. Paste them in the correct order.
Section Three: Our Community Helpers
To develop an awareness of the workers in a community.
To develop an understanding of the roles of various people in the neighborhood
This section covers the following four areas:
Each area will be dealt with separately.
1. People Who Maintain Our Community
2. People Who Deliver Things in Our Community
3. People Who Sell Us Things
4. People Who Protect Our Neighborhood.
Lessons Include:
Lesson One
To develop an awareness of the workers in a community.
To develop an understanding of the roles of various people in the neighborhood.
Lesson Two
To develop an understanding and appreciation of the duties of police officers in the community.
Lesson Three
To develop an appreciation for the role police officers play in the community.
Lesson Four
To develop an awareness of the work and value of the firefighter.
Lesson Five
To extend the students' knowledge about the special clothing worn by firefighters.
To appreciate the duties performed by firefighters.
To make students aware of the ways fires are fought.
Lesson Six
To make students more aware of the causes of fires and how to prevent them.
Booklet – Our Community Helpers
The Police Officer – classifying objects
The Police Officer - Word Study; Sequencing Letters to Make Words
The Police Officer - Sequencing Words to Make Sentences
The Police Officer - Word/Picture Matching
What does the Firetruck carry?
The Firefighter – classifying objects
The Firefighter - Word Recall; Match the Word to the Picture
The Firefighter - Word Recognition; Making Words
The Firefighter - Seeing Relationships: Making Sentences About the Firefighter
Ff Firefighter worksheet
Alberta, Grade 1, Social Studies, Citizenship, Belonging and Connecting, 1.1 My World, Home, School, Community and 1.2 Moving Forward with the Past, My Family, My History and My Community;
British Columbia, Grade 2, Social Studies, Governance;
Ontario, Grade 1, Canada and World Connections, The Local Community.