Romeo & Juliet, by William Shakespeare Lit Link/Novel Study Grades 7-8
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Author :
Nutbrown, Penny
In the city of Verona, two teenagers named Romeo and Juilet meet, fall in love and secretly marry despite that fact that their families are in the midst of a bitter feud. Tragedy upon tragedy befall the star-crossed couple until finally youth and love are defeated by hatred and misunderstandings. A story of passion and violence, faith and devotion, Romeo and Juliet remains the greatest love story ever told.
Novel by William Shakespeare.
Reproducible chapter questions, plus comprehension questions, a story summary, author biography, creative and cross curricular activities, complete with answer key. 40 pages.
The student will be able to...
use language effectively to communicate ideas, thoughts, clarify points of view and respond to the points of view of others.
compare the ways in which different media present the same story.
choose an appropriate medium and form, and create plans for an individual or group production.
apply a wide variety of reading strategies to improve understanding of a text.
adapt the content, style, voice and sentence structure of their writing to suit the purpose and audience.
select and use appropriate technique to communicate in the arts through polished work.
analyze power relationships between individuals and groups in society.