Ontario Grade 8 History & Geography 4 Book Curriculum Savings Bundle!


$89.95 CAD

Additional information:

Creating Canada: 1850 to 1890

  • Activities will help students assess the impact of some key social, economic, and political factors, including social, economic, and/or political inequality, on various Canadians between 1850 and 1890 as well as on the creation and expansion of the Dominion of Canada.
  • Using the historical inquiry process students will investigate perspectives of different groups on some significant events, developments, and/or Canadian issues that affected Canada and/or Canadians between 1850 and 1890.
  • Understanding Historical Context students will describe various significant events, developments, and people in Canada between 1850 and 1890, and explain their impact.

Canada: A Changing Society 1890-1814

  • Activities analyze key similarities and differences between Canada in 1890-1914 and in the present day, with reference to the experiences of and major challenges facing different groups and/or individuals, and to some of the actions, Canadians have taken to improve their lives.
  • Using the historical inquiry process students will investigate perspectives of different groups on some significant events, developments, and/or issues that affected Canada and/or Canadians between 1890 and 1914.

Global Settlement: Patterns and Sustainability: Heritage & Identity Series

  • Students will have a chance to learn about settlement patterns, and how some countries are planning ahead to deal with climate change.
  • Identify significant spatial patterns in the human settlement on a global scale.
  • Identify and describe significant current trends in human settlement.
  • Identify significant land use issues and describe the responses of involved groups.
  • Describe ways in which human settlement has affected the environment and how some communities have adopted practices to make human settlements more sustainable.
  • Formulate questions to guide investigations into issues related to human settlement and sustainability.
  • Construct maps related to human settlement and sustainability.
  • Explain how the physical environment affects human settlement of the future.
  • Describe the possible features of a sustainable community in the future.
  • 6 Lessons & a Unit Test!


Global Inequalities: Economic Development & Quality of Life: People & Environments Series

Lessons will expose students to a variety of concepts and terms that are connected with the Global Inequalities curriculum. The assignments connected with this book are planned to give students maximum exposure to geography issues in Canada and the world.

Learning Intentions:

  • Identify and describe the significance of indicators that identify the quality of life on a global scale, and different types of economic systems.
  • Explain how four main economic sectors are related to global development.
  • Identify groups and organizations that work to improve quality of life.
  • Describe various factors that can contribute to economic development.
  • Evaluate evidence and draw conclusions about issues related to global development.
  • Analyze and construct maps as part of investigations into issues related to global development and quality of life.
  • Examine connecting factors that contribute to the quality of life and how these factors have affected economies of specific developed and developing countries around the world.
  • Examine the effectiveness of media in improving the quality of life in some countries and regions around the world.
  • 6 Lessons & 3 Assignments, plus a Unit Test!
Each resource is designed to support teachers and students as they work through the Social Studies Inquiry Process. These resources focus on the big ideas in the Social Studies curriculum and have a mix of concrete and open-ended lessons so that the teacher has flexibility in planning. Each resource is comprehensive and includes learning intentions, goals, success criteria suggestions, topic resources, a vocabulary list, detailed lesson plans, student resources, additional web-based resources, ideas for differentiation, accommodations, enrichment, and extension activities. They can be used as a whole to fulfill the overall expectation requirements for this curriculum or it can be used by activity to compliment other resources and activities.

Meeting Your Student’s Needs: Depending on the needs of the students in your class, the teacher may want to scan any Reading Notes into Kurzweil on the computer. By doing this, no matter the reading abilities of your students, they will be able to access the information of the text. Teachers are also encouraged to allow their students to collaborate on as many activities as possible, in order to allow all students to be successful without modifying the text significantly.



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