Alberta Grade 7 Science & Social Studies Savings Bundle!


$64.95 CAD

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The Alberta Grade 7 Science & Social Studies Bundle! gives you a whole year of lessons and teaching instructions with differentiation ideas!

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 Canada: Origins, Histories & Movement of People

This resource gives students an understanding and appreciation of the Aboriginal, French, and English peoples in the history of Canada. Together, through both cooperation and conflict, they forged the foundations of the Canadian Confederation.

Each topic is presented in a clear, concise manner which makes the information accessible to struggling learners, but is also appropriate for students performing at or above grade level. Illustrations, maps, and diagrams visually enhance each topic covered and provide support for visual learners.

There are two levels of questions for each topic. The questions on the Activity Pages test basic comprehension. Once it has been determined that students have a good basic understanding of the information, they can move on to the Think About It question pages. These pages give students an opportunity for critical thinking.

General Outcomes

7.1 Toward Confederation: Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the distinct roles of, and the relationships among, the Aboriginal, French and British peoples in forging the foundations of Canadian Confederation.

7.2 Following Confederation – Canadian Expansions: Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how the political, demographic, economic and social changes that have occurred since Confederation have presented challenges and opportunities for individuals and communities


Lesson 1: The Mi’kmaq

Lesson 2: Haudenosaunee and Six Nations

Lesson 3: The Ojibwa

Lesson 4: Key Figures in French Exploration & Settlement of North America

Lesson 5: Key Figures in British Exploration & Settlement of North America

Lesson 6: The Fur Trade

Lesson 7: Fight, Flight & British Rule

Lesson 8: Resist and Relocate

Lesson 9: The War of 1812

Lesson 10: The Great Migration and the Rebellions of 1837

Lesson 11: The Results of the Rebellion

Lesson 12: Confederation: From Differences to a Dream

Lesson 13: Frustration, Fun and Fairness

Lesson 14: Three of the Fathers of Confederation

Lesson 15: Red River Resistance

Lesson 16: Manitoba Joins Confederation

Lesson 17: The North West Mounted Police

Lesson 18: The Canadian Pacific Railway and the National Policy

Lesson 19: Further Challenges and Conflicts: Northwest Rebellion

Lesson 20 Manitoba Schools Crisis

Lesson 21: Population Challenge

Lesson 22: The New Canadians

Lesson 23: Immigration’s Impact on the West

Lesson 24: Growth of Cities and Factories

Lesson 25: Changing Role of Women

Lesson 26: The Tenth Province Joins Canada

Lesson 27: Farming Discoveries and Scientific Methods

Lesson 28: Early Technology, Aviation and Space Arms

Lesson 29: Canadian Voices, Canadian Media and the Official Languages Act



The lessons and experiments in this book fall under 5 main topics that relate to the Alberta curriculum for Grade 7 Science.

In each lesson, you will find teacher notes designed to provide guidance with the learning intentions, the success criteria, materials needed, and a lesson outline. As well, the notes will provide some insights on what results to expect when the experiments are conducted.

Suggestions for differentiation or accommodation are also included so that all students can be successful in the learning environment. The lessons are designed to involve tactile participation and knowledge application while providing opportunities to connect ideas between topics and school subjects.

Unit A: Interactions and Ecosystems

  • Key Concepts
  • Human Beings and Their Environments.
  • Energy in an Ecosystem
  • Into the Ecosystem!

Unit B: Plants for Food and Fibre

  • Key Concepts
  • Plants and Their Uses
  • Plants: Processes and Structures
  • What Impacts a Plant Environment?
  • Building Relationships with our Food, Fibre, and Surroundings

Unit C: Heat and Temperature

  • Key Concepts
  • Increasing Needs, Increasing Energy
  • How Does Heat Affect Matter?
  • Thermal Technology and Energy Use

Unit D: Structures and Forces

  • Key Concepts
  • Introduction to Structures
  • Forces, Loads, and Locating the Centre of Gravity
  • Structural Strength and Flexibility – Properties of Materials
  • Construction Projects

Unit E: Planet Earth

  • Key Concepts
  • How We Study Powerful Forces Inside the Earth
  • The Language of Geology, The Cycle of Rocks.
  • Mountain Formation
  • Digging Into the Fossil Record

206 pages

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