Successful Beginning Math Practice Big Book Gr. 1-3 - Build Their Skills Bundle!
$25.99 CAD
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Author :
Solski, Ruth
This workbook is an effective resource for teaching or reviewing numeration, addition and subtraction concepts and operations.
Lots of Repeated Practice to Meet Math Challenges
Review, reinforce and extend skills, concepts, and content. Introduce new skills or concepts. Develop independent work habits and higher-level thinking skills.
Worksheets reinforce three areas of math:
Numeration: counting, place value, recognition, fractions
Subtraction: The worksheets focus on these skills: recognition of subtraction facts from 0 to 18 and their concepts; comparison of subtraction facts using the symbols for greater than, less than, equal to, and not equal to; recognition of operational symbols + and -; problem solving using subtraction and addition; place value; and two and three-digit subtraction with and without regrouping.