Solo Los Hechos! Just the Facts! Grades 1-3 Non Fiction Reading Comprehension in Spanish and English
$24.99 CAD
Additional information:
- Author : Summers, Eleanor M.
Las frutas - Fruits
Los murciélagos - Bats
El fútbol - Soccer
Las tortugas - Turtles
Nuestra Tierra - Our Earth
El dinero - Money
Los desiertos - Deserts
Patinar en patineta - Skateboarding
A diario una manzana - An Apple a Day
Cómo duermen los animales - How Animals Sleep
Los pandas gigantes - Giant Pandas
Los correcaminos - Roadrunner
Los bomberos - Firefighters
Before I Read which develops reasoning, critical thinking skills, and vocabulary development skills to be used prior to reading the passage.
While I Read which develops comprehension analysis, application and critical thinking skills during the reading of the passage.
After I Read which focuses on comprehension, summary and evaluation skills after the passage has been read.
- Teacher Assessment Rubric: Allows a teacher to make an objective judgment of student performance based on a leveled criteria.
- Student Self-Assessment Rubric: Students reflect upon and evaluate their own performance.
- Read Aloud Observation Form: This one-on-one evaluation tool allows teachers to assess reading strengths and difficulties.
96 pages including an answer key.
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