Teach the various types of Machines in Motion using concepts of gravity, air pressure, and motion. Study inclined plane, wedge, screw, lever, wheel, and axle, and pulley. Students will understand the properties of air and the principles of flight and will be able to relate science and technology to life outside the classroom.
Simple Machines - Experiments and Activities
Inclined Plane
The Wedge
The Screw
The Pulley
Wheel and Axle
Compound Machines
For the Teacher:
At A Glance - list of skills and learning outcomes covered
Teacher Assessment Rubric
Teacher Suggestions
Scientific Method for Teachers
Conference Evaluation
Answer Key
For the Students:
Student Assessment Rubric
Scientific Method for Students
Student Learning Log
Student Review Worksheets
Student Follow-Up Activities and Work Sheets
This book supports many of the fundamental concepts and learning outcomes from the curriculum for these provinces: Alberta, Grade 4, Science, Wheels & Levers; British Columbia, Grade 5, Science, Physical Science, Forces & Simple Machines; Manitoba, Grade 5, Science, Cluster 3, Forces & Simple Machines; Ontario, Grade 4, Science, Understanding Structures & Mechanisms, Pulleys & Gears; Saskatchewan, Grade 5, Science, Physical Science, Forces & Simple Machines.