The Pigman, by Paul Zindel Lit Link/Novel Study Grades 7-8
$17.99 CAD
Additional information:
- Author : Whittington, Keith
This is the story of two high school students, John and Lorraine, who find themselves looking for entertainment in order to escape their unhappy homes. During a prank charity solicitation phone call, they end up meeting with Mr. Pignati, who they name the Pigman. They befriend him, at first in an effort to get $10 from him for their fake charity. They spend most of their free time at his house to escape from their own homes and because he seems genuinely concerned about them and buys them things. They discover that he has a troubling secret, which is why he is so desperate for their company. They end up destroying their relationship with this nice old man because of the learned behavior that keeps them from forming and maintaining meaningful relationships with most people.
The unique narration from both main characters in turn provides each one's perspective on the situations in which they find themselves.
The book brings up important relationship issues with both peers and parents with which so many teens struggle.
Reproducible chapter questions, plus comprehension questions, a story summary, author biography, creative and cross-curricular activities, complete with answer key. 64 pages.
- To acquaint the student with the writings of Paul Zindel
- To appreciate and enjoy the humor of Paul Zindel and to see his concern for wayward teenagers.
- To be able to see how other teenagers try to cope through the adolescent years and to be able to learn from their experience.
- To provide students with helpful resources which will enable them to make the right decisions about drinking and smoking during their teenage years.
- To promote creative, divergent, honest, oral and written responses.
- To practice a variety of comprehension skills.
- To create a Character Web and a Sociogram which are useful in the Novel Study Program.
- To provide a variety of “Challenge Activities” to strengthen the “creative mind.”
Novel by Paul Zindel.