Print Book
Communities in Canada 1780-1850 Grade 3 Ontario Social Studies
$27.99 CAD
Developed to cover the overall expectations of the Ontario Ministry of Education Social Studies Communities in Canada, 1780-1850 curriculum. The activities in this book have two intentions: to teach concepts that relate to communities that formed in Canada between 1780-1850...
10 Literacy Building Fairytales Gr. 1-3 Aligned to Common Core
$31.99 CAD
Ten popular fairy tales that have been retold and are accompanied by practice worksheets for a variety of reading skills. The ten stories vary in reading difficulty from first grade to the end of grade three to meet a range...
A Haunting Hallowe'en Grades 2-3
$25.99 CAD
Toads, bats, ghosts, witches, and pumpkins are some of the characters featured in this resource. Your students will be thrilled with the drama of the Halloween season as they learn critical skills in brainstorming, phonics, word study, creative writing, research,...
Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days, by Stephen Manse Lit Link Grades 4-6
$22.99 CAD
One day at the library, a book falls off the top shelf and hits Milo on the head. Then the adventure begins. Reproducible chapter questions, plus comprehension questions, a story summary, author biography, creative and cross curricular activities, complete with...
Beautiful Bugs and Insect Activities Grade K-1
$30.99 CAD
40+ hands on insects activities and two booklets to help you create student interest and to increase their knowledge of insects. Students will be introduced to this world of fluttering butterflies, buzzing bees, long jumping grasshoppers, and other insects by...
Canada: A Changing Society - 10/pk HI/LO Workbooks
$79.95 CAD
10 Workbooks/Pk. This 32 page student workbook provides the hi/lo questions to the reading passages found in the reader. Space is provided for students to complete the exercises in the workbook. Photocopying is prohibited. The content covers key topics required...
Canada: A Changing Society - 10/pk Readers
$84.95 CAD
The hi/lo reading passages focus on the significant people, historic events, and changes in the government that were important to Canadian history between 1890 and 1914, giving students a good overall understanding of this time period. Each topic is presented...
Canada: A Changing Society -10/pk Workbooks
$79.95 CAD
This 32 page student workbook provides the regular ed questions to the reading passages found in the reader. Space is provided for students to complete the exercises in the workbook. Photocopying is prohibited. The content covers key topics required for...
Celebrate Christmas Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
The traditions and legends of Christmas are fascinating to children. This resource utilizes this fascination as the basis for a jam-packed learning experience that develops critical skills in literacy and critical thinking. Get your students thinking about why they decorate...
Christmas Magic Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
Bring the sights and sounds of Christmas into your classroom with these highly visual activities. Children will love to color the images of stockings, Santa, and Christmas fun while they practice skills in word recognition, visual discrimination, matching, mathematics, and...
Conflicts & Challenges - Canada 1800-1850 Grade 7 - 10/pk HI/LO workbooks
$74.99 CAD
10 Workbooks/Pk. This 28 page student workbook provides the hi/lo questions to the reading passages found in the reader. Space is provided for students to complete the exercises in the workbook. Photocopying is prohibited. The content covers key topics required...
Conflicts & Challenges - Canada 1800-1850 Grade 7 - 10/pk Readers
$84.95 CAD
10 Readers/Pk. The hi/lo reading passages focus on the significant people, historic events, and changes in the government that were important to Canadian history between 1800 and 1850, giving students a good overall understanding of this time period. Each topic...
Conflicts & Challenges - Canada 1800-1850 Grade 7 - 10/pk workbooks
$74.99 CAD
10 Workbooks/Pk. This 24 page student workbook provides the regular ed questions to the reading passages found in the reader. Space is provided for students to complete the exercises in the workbook. Photocopying is prohibited. The content covers key topics...
Creating Canada 1850-1890 Grade 8 - 10/pk HI/LO workbooks
$79.99 CAD
10 Workbooks/Pk. This 32 page student workbook provides the hi/lo questions to the reading passages found in the reader. Space is provided for students to complete the exercises in the workbook. Photocopying is prohibited. The content covers key topics required...
Creating Canada 1850-1890 Grade 8 - 10/pk Readers
$89.99 CAD
10 Readers/Pk. The hi/lo reading passages focus on the significant people, historic events, and changes in the government that were important to Canadian history between 1850 and 1890, giving students a good overall understanding of this time period. Each topic...
Creating Canada 1850-1890 Grade 8 - 10/pk workbooks
$74.99 CAD
10 Workbooks/Pk. This 24 page student workbook provides the regular ed questions to the reading passages found in the reader. Space is provided for students to complete the exercises in the workbook. Photocopying is prohibited. The content covers key topics...
Halloween Happiness Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
Flying witches, haunting ghosts, jack-o-lantern smiles, and hooting owls help make Halloween an exciting, dramatic time of year. Share this occasion with your students by implementing these highly visual activities into your program. Includes activities that focus on these skills:...
It's Christmas Time Grade 3
$25.99 CAD
Bring the sights and sounds of Christmas into your classroom with the activities in this resource. Your students will be thrilled with language art, math, and art lessons that are full of Santa, presents, pretty colors, and reindeer. Some of...
It's Trick or Treat Time Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
Celebrate the mysteries and enchantment of this festive occasion with the stories and lore in this resource. All the drama of Halloween can encourage creativity in your students as they practice their learned critical skills in literacy and in numeracy,...
Journey to the Center of the Earth, by Jules Verne Lit Link/Novel Study Grades 7-8
$22.99 CAD
Use the 48 pages of chapter questions, plus a booklet cover page, for the novel Journey to the Center of the Earthy by Jules Verne. Each set of chapter questions includes Before You Read the Chapter Questions: Vocabulary; Questions (comprehension);...
Joy of Christmas Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
Celebrate and share the spirit of the Christmas season by implementing these motivating, attractive, skill-oriented activities in your classroom. Your students will love the theme and will thoroughly enjoy practicing previously learned skills in reading, phonics, word study, brainstorming, printing,...
L'Halloween Collection D'Image
$13.99 CAD
Vingt-six dessins. Une bougie, une sorciére, dracula, une verrue, faire la tournée des voisins, etc. This collection can be easily integrated into any area of the curriculum. Uses for the illustrations: The illustrations can be colored, mounted, and laminated and...