Adventure Cartoon Story Starters Grades 1-3
$4.95 CAD
These 14 cartoons will have you and your students laughing in the aisles as you practice creative writing skills. Every cartoon has been professionally drawn specifically for your student's age and interests, so you will not have any difficulty setting...
Cartoon Story Starters Big Bundle Grades 1-6
$30.99 CAD
These 138 cartoons will have you and your students laughing in the aisles as you practice creative writing skills. Every cartoon has been professionally drawn specifically for your student's age and interests, so you will not have any difficulty setting...
Cartoon Story Starters Grades 1-3
$20.99 CAD
Fuel Their Creativity with these Crazy Cartoons! These 75 cartoons will have you and your students laughing in the aisles as you practice creative writing skills. Every cartoon has been professionally drawn specifically for your students' age and interests, so...
Cartoon Story Starters Grades 4-6
$20.99 CAD
Fuel Their Creativity with these Crazy Cartoons! These 75 cartoons will have you and your students laughing in the aisles as you practice creative writing skills. Every cartoon has been professionally drawn specifically for your students' age and interests, so...
Learning About Giants Gr. 4-6
$15.99 CAD
Enter the world of giants, real or make-believe, by implementing various ideas and activities in this resource in your classroom. Skill areas covered are reading, research, word study, mathematics, creative writing, and literature-based learning. 46 Activities Teacher guide
Monster Mania Grades 4-6
$12.99 CAD
Nine-Headed Creatures, Labyrinths, and a Snake Hair-Do provide for some very original Language, Math, and Art exercises. While modern monsters like Sasquatch and the Loch Ness monster are sure to fascinate, the mythological monsters of Ancient Greece are just as interesting....
Mysteries, Monsters & Magic Gr. 7-8
$13.99 CAD
Mystery and Intrigue Anyone? Curiosity is one of the most powerful learning motivators, and this book is oozing with it! Your student will not even notice they are practicing: Critical Thinking, Research, Language, Reading, and Creative Skills as they delve...
Mystery & Adventure Prediction And Inference Response Gr. 4-6
$6.95 CAD
The Prediction And Inference Activities Challenge Students To Draw On Their Prior Knowledge About A Topic Before Reading The Text, And Make Connections Between This Knowledge And What They Learn As They Read. By Making Predictions Before Reading, And Then...
Mystery & Adventure: Reasoning & Critical Thinking Forms Gr. 4-6
$6.95 CAD
These 10 exercises require students to evaluate and modify the text using their own ideas, experiences, and imagination. Readers are challenged to bring new life to the story by joining the story writing to the author, interviewing an adventurer, etc....
Reading Response Forms: Mystery & Adventure Theme Grades 4-6
$23.99 CAD
These 60 skill-based worksheets are designed to be used with any mystery and adventure stories. These worksheets help assess students' understanding of the texts they are reading. The response forms encourage students to make creative connection between the stories and their previous...
The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien Lit Link Grades 7-8
$22.99 CAD
The Hobbit is a story of adventure, fantasy, the pursuit of one's dreams and personal courage. Bilbo and the dwarfs are endearing characters. Their story is not soon forgotten. Novel by J.R.R. Tolkien. Reproducible chapter questions, plus comprehension questions, a...