10 Life Biome Full Color Mini-Posters Grades 3+
$7.45 CAD
These posters feature 10 biomes that introduce students to many regions that contain the world's animal habitats. Students will become familiar with the location and climate of each biome to better understand the plants and animals that have adapted to...
14 Physical Science Mini-Posters Grades 4+
$6.95 CAD
These posters feature color photos and facts about machines and force and motion. Students will be engaged with these vivid posters and they are great for visual learners. This format is great for visual learners and students with short attention...
2018 Famous Canadian Olympians Gr. 4-8
$9.95 CAD
Introduce Your Students To These Famous Canadian Athletes Competing At The 2018 Olympics. A One-Page Biography And Follow-Up Activity For Each Athlete. 24 Pages Plus Answer Key. Athletes Include: Charles Hamelin; Mikaël Kingsbury; Patrick Chan; Tessa Virtue/Scott Moir; Megan Duhamel/Eric...
2018 Famous Canadian Paralympians Gr. 4-8
$5.95 CAD
Introduce Your Students To These Famous Canadian Paralympians Competing At The 2018 Paralympics. Using The Internet Students Will Locate And Record The Answers On Each Athlete Onto The One-Page Activity. 7 Pages Plus Answer Key. Athletes Include: Robbie Weldon; Greg...
3-Ball Soccer Gr. 7-8
$2.95 CAD
Learning Goal: To Develop Good Cardiovascular Strength Through Play; To Encourage Teamwork And Thus To Enhance The Classroom Relationships At This Age.
52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 6-7
$31.99 CAD
The 52 non-fiction stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of the various Canadian topics while reviewing and strengthening various reading, language, and word study skills. Each topic contains an information story and a follow-up...
52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 7-8
$31.99 CAD
The 52 nonfiction stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of the various Canadian topics while reviewing and strengthening various reading, language, and word study skills. Each topic contains an information story and a...
A Canadian Master - Mike Weir Non-Fiction Biography Gr. 4+ Level 2.7
$6.95 CAD
Students will read about Mike Weir, a Canadian Golf Master in this biography. The story is preceded by a guided reading lesson plan. The lessons are formatted using curriculum expectations and allow for before, during, and after reading segments which...
A Day in the Life of a Unit Lesson Grades 7-8
$3.45 CAD
Focus the students' attention on themselves as a multicellular organism. Have them complete the comparison chart between multicellular and unicellular organisms. 2 pages
A Fair Test? Cells, Tissues & Organs Science Experiment Grades 7-8
$3.95 CAD
Students will discover the variables needed to create a fair test. 3 pages
A Victorian Christmas Theme Grades 5-8
$17.99 CAD
Students will study how many of our present-day Christmas customs and traditions began in Victorian times with the 50 activities in this theme. Table of Contents List of Skills List of Resources Teacher Evaluation Record Student Tracking Sheet Student Self-Evaluation Form ...
A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeline L'Engle, Lit Link Grades 7-8
$16.99 CAD
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle Lit Link contains reproducible chapter questions, plus comprehension questions, a story summary, author biography, creative and cross-curricular activities, and a complete answer key. 64 pages. Expectations: To emphasize the major reading strategies during...
Abolition: Slavery's End- Canadian Black History Worksheet Gr 4-8
$4.45 CAD
Students will read about the end of slavery in Canada. This lesson includes teacher information on the reasons Canadians celebrate Black History in February, teaching suggestions and ideas for guest speakers, and related websites. A Canadian Black History Timeline includes significant...
Adept at Adapting Lesson Grades 7-8
$3.95 CAD
All organisms are structurally adapted to the needs of their environment. This includes the need to obtain energy and water and to fight off or discourage predators. 3 pages
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain Lit Link Grades 7-8
$17.99 CAD
Mark Twain tackles the problem of racism head-on. He shows his readers what the conditions were like and exposes us to one of history's greatest injustices in American society. This unit attempts to provide some of the background material in...
Air Travel Activities Grades 4+
$3.95 CAD
Students will learn about air travel using a variety of question formats and hands-on opportunities to test students' knowledge of the topic and help them integrate what they have learned. The clear, straightforward presentation of essential facts, the colorful, highly...
Alberta Grade 7 Science & Social Studies Savings Bundle!
$64.95 CAD
The Alberta Grade 7 Science & Social Studies Bundle! gives you a whole year of lessons and teaching instructions with differentiation ideas! Why not $ave Big and BUY the Bundle! Canada: Origins, Histories & Movement of People This resource gives students an understanding and appreciation of the...