52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 1-2
$31.99 CAD
The 52 nonfiction stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of Canadian symbols, animals, birds, seasons, the month of the year, special celebrations, famous places, and famous people. Each topic contains an information story...
52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 2-3
$31.99 CAD
The 52 nonfiction stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of Canadian symbols, seasons, birds, wild animals, insects, reptiles, amphibians, sports, famous male and female athletes, famous Canadian animals, and special places to visit...
52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 3-4
$31.99 CAD
The 52 stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of Canadian symbols, sports, birds, wild animals, insects, reptiles, famous inventors and inventions, famous Canadian athletes, famous Canadian people, special Canadian places and sights to...
52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 4-5
$31.99 CAD
The 52 nonfiction stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of Canada. A year of nonfiction reading in one book! One story a week for bell work, review, indoor recess, enrichment or for the students who...
Famous Canadians: 6 Nonfiction Reading Lesson Bundle Gr. 1-2
$5.95 CAD
Each topic contains an nonfiction information story and a follow-up exercise designed to review and develop strong reading and phonetic skills. The vocabulary list may need to be presented before each story is read, it will help train students to...