Ah-H-H! That Feels Better! Writing & Grammar Student Worksheets Grade 4 (interrogative words)
$3.95 CAD
Students will practice and improve their writing and grammar skills in using interrogative words and identifying imperative sentences. 3 Pages, With Answer Key.
All About Nouns Grades 5-7
$15.99 CAD
Arranged as e-lesson plans, each lesson includes a definition and example, plus student exercises to reinforce and practice what was taught. Each lesson increases in difficulty. Review activities throughout that lead-up to two mini-tests and one final test. Included in this...
An Amazing Escape Artist Writing and Grammar Lesson (simple/compound sentences) Grade 4
$3.95 CAD
Students will practice and improve their writing and grammar skills in identifying simple/compound sentences and writing compound sentences. 3 Pages, with Answer Key.
Beginning Language Practice Big Book Grades 1-3 Build Their Skills Bundle!
$30.99 CAD
The Build Their Skills workbooks are designed to develop a strong foundation of basic skills that promotes a child's success in future learning. The skill focus is printed at the bottom of each page. This comprehensive volume is jammed packed...
Canadian Mini Lessons: Improving Reading, Grammar and Writing Skills Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
Your emerging reader will enjoy the stories and activities while further developing literacy skills. The stories, concepts, and skills are Canadian content, grade-appropriate, and aligned with the Canadian Language Arts curriculum. PRINT and students can get started quickly. Great for...
Canadian Mini Lessons: Improving Reading, Grammar and Writing Skills Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
Your emerging reader will enjoy the stories and activities while further developing literacy skills. The stories, concepts, and skills are Canadian content, grade-appropriate, and aligned with the Canadian Language Arts curriculum. PRINT and students can get started quickly. Great for...
Canadian Mini Lessons: Improving Reading, Grammar and Writing Skills Grade 3
$25.99 CAD
Your emerging reader will enjoy the stories and activities while further developing literacy skills. The stories, concepts, and skills are Canadian content, grade-appropriate, and aligned with the Canadian Language Arts curriculum. PRINT and students can get started quickly. Great for bell...
Canadian Mini Lessons: Improving Reading, Grammar and Writing Skills Grade 4
$25.99 CAD
Your emerging reader will enjoy the stories and activities while further developing literacy skills. The stories, concepts, and skills are Canadian content, grade-appropriate, and aligned with the Canadian Language Arts curriculum. PRINT and students can get started quickly. Great for bell...
Canadian Story Starters Grades 1-3
$19.99 CAD
This resource is filled with 58 photographs to be used to inspire students' creativity and knowledge pertaining to their country - Canada. Each story starter includes a photograph, a corresponding word list, a blank line for the story's title, and...
Canadian Story Starters Grades 4-6
$19.99 CAD
This resource is filled with 58 photographs to be used to inspire students' creativity and knowledge pertaining to their country - Canada. Each story starter includes a photograph, a blank word list, a blank line for the story's title, and...
Canadian Story Starters Grades 7-8
$19.99 CAD
This resource is filled with 58 photographs to be used to inspire students' creativity and knowledge pertaining to their country - Canada. Each story starter includes a photograph, a blank word list, a blank line for the story's title, a...
Cartoon Story Starters Big Bundle Grades 1-6
$30.99 CAD
These 138 cartoons will have you and your students laughing in the aisles as you practice creative writing skills. Every cartoon has been professionally drawn specifically for your student's age and interests, so you will not have any difficulty setting...
Cartoon Story Starters Grades 1-3
$20.99 CAD
Fuel Their Creativity with these Crazy Cartoons! These 75 cartoons will have you and your students laughing in the aisles as you practice creative writing skills. Every cartoon has been professionally drawn specifically for your students' age and interests, so...
Cartoon Story Starters Grades 4-6
$20.99 CAD
Fuel Their Creativity with these Crazy Cartoons! These 75 cartoons will have you and your students laughing in the aisles as you practice creative writing skills. Every cartoon has been professionally drawn specifically for your students' age and interests, so...
Catching a Lizzrd Writing & Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 2
$3.95 CAD
Students will practice and improve their grammar skills in capitalization/punctuation and writing sentences. Answer key included.
Classical Poetry from the Elizabethan Age to the Nineteenth Century Grades 7-12
$20.99 CAD
Share the poetry written by many of the important poets of the English language from the Elizabethan Age to the Nineteenth Century with your students. This resource presents a background to each of the major periods of writing, a biography...
Earthworm Creative Writing Worksheets! Grades 2-3
$4.95 CAD
The four creative writing worksheets involve the following skills. Writing a story on a given main idea. Telling a story on a given main idea. Using one’s imagination. Inventing a New Recipe. 5 Pages.
How to Give a Presentation Grades 4-6
$20.99 CAD
This book presents suggestions and worksheets to help students feel more at ease when giving class presentations. The three types of speeches are discussed as well as ways of giving illustrated talks and multimedia presentations. The techniques of debating are...